Logic Basic tutorial for beginners
The function of the variables is not only store texts and numbers, they can be modified at any time by the programmer, through operators, commands and new assignments. In Logic Basic we can work with four types of operators: Arithmetic operators, increment and decrement operators, comparison and logical.
Arithmetic operators:
+ - * / % ^ |
Sum Difference Multiplication Division Rest of division Exponentiation |
Increment and decrement operators:
++ -- += -= |
Adds 1 to himself Decreases 1 of himself Adds a number to it Decreases a number of it |
Comparison operators:
= < > <= >= <> |
Equal Less than Greater than Less than or equal Greater than or equal Different |
Logical operators:
And Or |
Logical conjunction Logical disjunction |
Union operator:
& |
Join strings or variables |
The = operator is a comparison operator only when it's inside a comparison expression, in other situations it's an assignment operator.